Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Samuel Fraire                                                                                                                Mrs. Triplett
Metaphor paper                                                                                                              4/25/14 8TH pd
Time Square, New York 

        It was a hot summer day in Time Square, New York. Three friends won a trip to visit there. Alexander a 14 year old boy, hard headed. Then there was Maria sweets strawberry ever. Alfredo a bull dosser was the third student chosen. This three friends were a lucky group, because of the chance they had gotten to visit for a whole week, New York cite. September 11, 2001 they were on there way to a place of enjoyment, laughter, and lots more. Once they arrived people from all over were there students as well like them. They got to meet new kids and learn about them. Time was a thief there everyday went by quick as if a day was only a hour. On there trip there they got to see one of the most amazing things ever. A golden eagle, a new bird that had came to life and lived  in Time Square New York. It was a rollercoaster of fun learning about this bird every kid that saw it couldn't get away from it. They wanted to know more and more. When the week was over no one could believe it, it had gone by so fast that it felt as if they only where there for a day. Buckets of tears were cried of kids that didn't want to leave. The good part about this was the memory's they were able to hold on to. This kids know had a story to tell to those who haven't been there and to there family members wishing they would be back one day.

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